Flange - Blind, ANSI Class 600, B16.47 Series A (in)

data bf b16.5 400 2500

Flange - Blind, ANSI Class 600, B16.47 Series A (in)

  • Dimensions per ASME B16.47 - Large Diameter Steel Flanges: NPS 26 Through NPS 60 Metric/Inch Standard
  • Bolt circle diameters are 1/8 inch larger than bolt diameter.
Pipe Size


Outside Diameter of Flange


Diameter of Raised Face


Thickness of Flange


Number of Bolt Holes


Diameter of Bolt Holes


Bolt Circle Diameter


Approx Weight


26 40 29 1/2 4 15/16 28 2 36 1760
28 42 1/4 31 1/2 5 3/16 28 2 1/8 38 2060
30 44 1/2 33 3/4 5 1/2 28 2 1/8 40 1/4 2420
32 47 36 5 13/16 28 2 3/8 42 1/2 2860
34 49 38 6 1/16 28 2 3/8 44 1/2 3240
36 51 3/4 40 1/4 6 3/8 28 2 5/8 47 3800
38 50 41 1/2 6 1/8 28 2 3/8 45 3/4 3400
40 52 43 3/4 6 3/8 32 2 3/8 47 3/4 3840
42 55 1/4 46 6 3/4 28 2 5/8 50 1/2 4590
44 57 1/4 48 1/4 7 32 2 5/8 52 1/2 5110
46 59 1/2 50 1/4 7 5/16 32 2 5/8 54 3/4 5760
48 62 3/4 52 1/2 7 11/16 32 2 7/8 57 1/2 6740
50 65 3/4 54 1/2 8 28 3 1/8 60 7700
52 67 3/4 56 1/2 8 1/4 32 3 1/8 62 8430
54 70 58 3/4 8 9/16 32 3 1/8 64 1/4 9330
56 73 60 3/4 8 7/8 32 3 3/8 66 3/4 10,530
58 75 63 9 1/8 32 3 3/8 68 3/4 11,410
60 78 1/2 65 3/4 9 9/16 28 3 5/8 71 3/4 13,110


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