Capillary number, abbreviated as Ca, a dimensionless number, representing the relative effect of viscous forces against the surface tension between a liquid/gas or liquid/liquid interface. It is the ratio of viscous forces to surface tension forces. It's particularly relevant when dealing with fluid flows in small-scale or capillary systems, where surface tension effects become more pronounced. The capillary number helps determine whether the fluid behavior will be dominated by viscous effects or by surface tension effects.
Capillary number formula |
\( Ca \;=\; \dfrac{ \mu \cdot v }{ \sigma }\) (Capillary Number) \( \mu \;=\; \dfrac{ Ca \cdot \sigma }{ v }\) \( v \;=\; \dfrac{ Ca \cdot \sigma }{ \mu }\) \( \sigma \;=\; \dfrac{ \mu \cdot v }{ Ca }\) |
Symbol | English | Metric |
\( Ca \) = Capillary Number | \(dimensionless\) | \(dimensionless\) |
\( \mu \) (Greek symbol mu) = Fluid Dynamic Viscosity | \(lbf-sec \;/\; ft^2\) | \( Pa-s \) |
\( v \) = Fluid Velocity | \(ft \;/\; sec\) | \(m \;/\; s\) |
\( \sigma \) (Greek symbol sigma) = Surface Tension | \(lbf \;/\; ft\) | \(N \;/\; m\) |
Capillary Number Interpretation