Atwood number, abbreviated as A or At, a dimensionless number, describes density difference between two adjacent fluids with a common interface. It is used in fluid dynamics to describe the flow behavior and stability of a two-phase system with a density difference. The Atwood number represents the ratio of the density difference between the two phases to the average density of the system. The Atwood number is commonly used in the study of multiphase flows, such as the behavior of bubbles in a liquid, the flow of oil and water in pipelines, or the motion of liquid droplets in gas environments. It helps characterize and predict the interfacial dynamics, mixing, and stability of such two-phase systems.
In Rayleigh–Taylor instability, the penetration distance of heavy fluid bubbles into the light fluid is a function of acceleration time scale.
Atwood Number Interpretation
Atwood number formula |
\( A \;=\; \dfrac{ \rho_1 - \rho_2 }{ \rho_1 + \rho_2 }\)
Symbol | English | Metric |
\( A \) = Atwood Number | \( dimensionless \) | \( dimensionless \) |
\( \rho_1 \) (Greek symbol rho) = Heavier Fluid Density | \(lbm \;/\; ft^3\) | \(kg \;/\; m^3\) |
\( \rho_2 \) (Greek symbol rho) = Lighter Fluid Density | \(lbm \;/\; ft^3\) | \(kg \;/\; m^3\) |