Geometry Symbols


Geometry Symbols

  • This is a list of the most common Geometry symbols.
\(\triangle\) triangle \(\triangle ABC \)
\(\bigcirc\) circle  
\(\odot A\) circle with center A  
\(\angle\) angle \(\angle ABC = 60^\circ\)
\(\measuredangle\) measured angle \(\measuredangle ABC = 60^\circ\)
\(\sphericalangle\) spherical angle \(\sphericalangle AOC = 60^\circ\)
\(^\circ\) degree 1 circle \(= 360^\circ\)
' arcminute \(1^\circ = 60^\prime\)
" arcsecond \(1'=60^{\prime\prime}\)
\(r \;or\; rad\) radiant, \(1 \;rad = 180^\circ /\pi \;\) and \(\;1^\circ = \pi / 180 \;rads\) \(360^\circ = 2\pi\; rad\) or about \(57.2958^\circ\)
\(g \;or\; grad\) gradian, four hundredth (1/400) of a full circle \( 360^\circ = 400\; grad\)
\(\overleftrightarrow {AB}\) infinite line distance  
\(\overline {AB}\) line segment from endpoint A to B  
\(\overrightarrow{AB}\) start line at point A  
\(\overset{\frown}{AB}\) arc with endpoints A and B  
\(\overset{\frown}{ABC}\) arc with endpoints A and C  
m\(\overset{\frown}{AB}\) measure arc with endpoints A and B  
\(|A-B|\) distance between points A and B \(|A-B| = 9\)
\(\parallel\) parallel to \(\overline {AB} \parallel \overline {XY} \)
\(\nparallel\) not parallel to \(\overline {AB} \nparallel \overline {XY} \)
\(\perp\) perpendicular lines \(\overline {AB} \perp \overline {XY} \)
\(\sim\) similarity to \(\triangle ABC \sim \triangle XYZ\)
\(\cong\) congruent, equivalent in size and shape \(\triangle ABC \cong \triangle XYZ\)
\(\ncong\) is not congruent to \(\triangle ABC \ncong \triangle XYZ\)
\(\therefore\) therefore \( a=b\; \therefore\; b=a \)
\(\pi\) \(\pi = 3.141592654... \) \(C = \pi \cdot d = 2 \cdot \pi \cdot r\)


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