Productivity Index for a Gas Well
Productivity index for a gas well, abbreviated as \(J\), is a measure of the well's ability to produce gas relative to the pressure drawdown (the difference between the reservoir pressure and the flowing bottom-hole pressure). It is an important in reservoir engineering, used to evaluate the performance and efficiency of a gas well.
Key Points about Productivity Index
Gas Flow Rate - This is the rate at which gas is being produced from the well.
Reservoir Pressure - This is the pressure within the reservoir.
Flowing Bottom-Hole Pressure - This is the pressure at the bottom of the well when gas is flowing.
Productivity Index Usage
Evaluating Well Performance - A higher \(J\) indicates a more productive well for a given pressure drawdown.
Well Comparison - \(J\) allows for the comparison of different wells within the same reservoir or across different reservoirs.
Reservoir Management - Helps in planning the development and production strategies for a gas field.
Productivity Index for a Gas Well Formula |
\( J \;=\; \dfrac{ \mu \cdot h }{ 1422 \cdot T \cdot \left( 0.5 \cdot ln \cdot \left( \dfrac{ 4 \cdot A }{ 1.781 \cdot k \cdot WB_r^2 } \right) + S \right) }\) | ||
Symbol | English | Metric |
\( J \) = Productivity Index for a Gas Well | \(MSCF/day/psi^2/cP\) | - |
\( \mu \) (Greek symbol mu) = Permability | \(mD\) | - |
\( h \) = Thickness | \(ft\) | - |
\( T \) = Temperature | \(R\) | - |
\( ln \) = Natural Logarithm | \(dimensionless\) | - |
\( A \) = Drainage Area | \(ft^2\) | - |
\( k \) = Shape Factor | \(dimensionless\) | - |
\( WB_r \) = Wellbore Radius | \(ft\) | - |
\( S \) = Skin | \(dimensionless\) | - |