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Radius of Investigation for Flow Time


Radius of Investigation for Flow Time Formula

\( r_i \;=\;   \left( k \cdot \dfrac{ t }{ 948 \cdot n \cdot \eta \cdot \beta } \right)^{0.5} \)
Symbol English Metric
\( r_i \) = Radius of Investigation at the End of Injection Time
- \(m\)
\( k \)  (Greek symbol rho) = Permability - \(mD\)
\( t \) = Time - \(h\)
\( n \) = Porosity - \(dimensionless\)
\( \eta \)  (Greek symbol eta) = Oil Viscosity - \(cP\)
\( \beta \)  (Greek symbol beta) = Total Compressibility (1/psi) - \(Pa\)

Radius of investigation is used in reservoir engineering and well testing that estimates the maximum radial distance from a wellbore where a pressure disturbance from production or injection has been detected over a given flow time.  It is commonly used to understand the extent of the reservoir affected by the operation within a certain time frame.

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