Welding Safety Procedures
Welding is safe when sufficient measures are taken to protect the welder from potential hazards. When these measures are overlooked or ignored, welders can encounter such dangers as electric shock, overexposure to radiation, fumes and gases, fire, or explosion, any of which can result in fatal injuries.
- Shop staff approval is required before using any welding equipment.
- Welders, assistants, and anyone else in the welding area shall wear glasses or shields of recommended shades during welding operations.
- The welder is responsible for erecting a screen around the welding area to protect other personnel in the shop from eye injury.
- Inspect all welding equipment to be used, prior to each use, for possible damage.
- Avoid handling oxygen bottles with greasy hands, gloves or rags. Fatal explosions have resulted from this cause.
- Always strap tanks to a welding cart or a fixed object. Never allow a gas cylinder to be free standing. Replace the safety cap on all cylinders when not in use.
- When arc welding, make sure work and/or work table is properly grounded.
- Do not arc weld in a wet area.
- Be alert to possible fire hazards. Move the object to be welded to a safe location, or, remove all flammable materials from the work area.
- Never weld in the same area where degreasing or other cleaning operations are performed.
- Keep suitable fire extinguishing equipment nearby and know how to operate it.
- Shut off the cylinder valves when the job is completed, release pressure from the regulators by opening the torch valves momentarily, and back out regulator adjusting valves. Never leave the torch unattended with pressure in the hoses.
- Utilize all protective equipment and clothing. Do not arc weld with any part of the body uncovered, the arc light is actinic light (excessive ultraviolet) and will cause burns similar to severe sunburn.
- Never weld inside drums or enclosed spaces without adequate ventilation, or, the use of airline respirators or self contained breathing apparatus.
- Check the ventilation system before starting to weld and periodically thereafter to insure adequate performance. Welding fumes should not be allowed to get into the rest of the shop working areas.
- Never cut or weld any container that has held explosive or flammable materials. Use prescribed methods for cleaning or flooding.
- Never use wrenches or tools except those provided or approved by the gas cylinder manufacturer to open valves. Never use a hammer to open or close valves.
- Abide by any other safety measures required for each particular type of welding.
- Allow for proper ventilation when brazing or soldering. The fluxes are acidic and toxic.
- Do not weld on painted, galvanized or greasy, oily metals. Not only can the fumes be toxic, but the welds will not be satisfactory and will fail in use.