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Propane Vapor Pressure

Vapor pressure propane, like any other substance, depends on its temperature.  Propane is a hydrocarbon gas commonly used as a fuel for heating, cooking, and other applications.  Its vapor pressure increases with rising temperature.  The relationship between temperature and vapor pressure for propane can be described by the Antoine equation, which is a common way to model vapor pressure as a function of temperature for various substances.

Using these constants, you can calculate the vapor pressure of propane at a given temperature.  Keep in mind that the units used for temperature and pressure can vary in different contexts, so make sure to use consistent units when performing calculations.

It's important to note that propane is typically stored and used in pressurized containers, such as propane tanks, which maintain the propane in a liquid state under pressure.  When you open a valve on a propane tank, the pressure is released, allowing propane to vaporize and be used as a gas.  The vapor pressure is relevant for understanding the behavior of propane when it transitions between liquid and gas phases.


Propane Vapor Pressure

Temp. F (C) Pressure psig (bar) Temp. F (C) Pressure psig (bar) Temp. F (C) Pressure psig (bar) Temp. F (C) Pressure psig (bar)
130 (54) 257 (18) 70 (21) 109 (8) 20 (-7) 40 (2, 8) -20 (-29) 10 (0, 69)
120 (49) 225 (16) 65 (18) 100 (6, 9) 10 (-12) 31 (2) -25 (-32) 8 (0, 55)
110 (43) 197 (14) 60 (16) 92 (6) 0 (-17) 23 (2) -30 (-34) 5 (0, 34)
100 (38) 172 (12) 50 (10) 77 (5) -5 (-21) 20 (1, 4) -35 (-37) 3 (0, 21)
90 (32) 149 (10) 40 (4) 63 (4) -10 (-23) 16 (1) -40 (-40) 1 (0, 069)
80 (27) 128 (9) 30 (-1) 51 (4) -15 (-26) 13 (1) -44 (-42) 0 (0)


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