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Algebra Symbols

Algebra Symbols

  • This is a list of the most common Algebra symbols.
\(=\) equal to \(5+4=9\)
\(\ne\) not equal to \(5\ne4\)
\(\equiv\) identical to \(a \equiv b\)
\(\not\equiv\) not identical to \(a \not\equiv b\)
\(\sim\) similar to \(a \sim b\)
\(\approx\) approximately equal to \(a \approx b\)
\(>\) greater than \(5>4\)
\(\gg\) much greater than \(50000 \gg 4\)
\(<\) less than \(4<5\)
\(\ll\) much less than \(4 \ll 50000\)
\(\ge\) greater than or equal to \(a \ge b\)
\(\le\) less than or equal to \(a \le b\)
\(\Rightarrow\) implies if...then \(a+b+c=1\;\Rightarrow\;c+b+a=1\)
\(\Leftrightarrow\) is equivalent to if in only if (iff) \(a=b+1\;\Leftrightarrow\;b=a+1\)
\(\therefore\) therefore \( a=b\; \therefore\; b=a \)
\( \sum\) sigma, summation or sum of all \( \sum_{n=4}^8 n = 4+5+6+7+8=30 \)
\(\left(\; \right)\) parentheses, calculate expression inside first \( 5\times \left(5+4\right) = 45\)
\(\left[\; \right]\) brackets, calculate expression inside first \( \left[ \left(5+4\right) \times \left(9+4\right) \right] = 117\)
\(\{ \; \}\) set, a collection \(A = \{4, 5, 9 \} \)
\(\lfloor x \rfloor\) rounds number to lower integer \(\lfloor 5.4 \rfloor = 5\)
\(\lceil x \rceil\) rounds number to upper integer \(\lceil 5.4 \rceil = 6\)
\(\left | x \right |\) absolute value \(\left | -5 \right | = 5 \)
\(\left \| x \right \|\) normal  
\(x!\) factorial \(5!=5\;x\;4\;x\;3\;x\;2\;x\;1=120 \)
\(a^n\) power, an exponent \(5^4 = 3125\)
\(a\wedge b\) caret, an exponent \(5\wedge4 = 3125\)
\( \sqrt a\) Square root - \(\sqrt a \;\times\; \sqrt a = a\) \(\sqrt 9= 3\)
\(^3\sqrt a\) cube root - \(^3\sqrt a \;\times\; ^3\sqrt a \;\times\; ^3\sqrt a = a\) \(^3\sqrt 9 = 2.08008382305\)
\(^4\sqrt a\) 4th root - \(^4\sqrt a \;\times\; ^4\sqrt a \;\times\; ^4\sqrt a \;\times\; ^4\sqrt a = a\) \(^4\sqrt 9 = 1.73205080757\)
\( ^n\sqrt a\) n-th root \(n=5\;\), \(\;^n\sqrt 9 = 1.55184557391\)
\(\gamma\) Euler-Mascheroni constant \(\gamma = 0.5772156649...\)
\(\Phi\) golden ratio \(1 : 1.6180339887...\)
\(\pi\) Pi,  \(\pi = 3.141592654... \) \(C = \pi \cdot d = 2 \cdot \pi \cdot r\)


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