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Buttweld Elbow - 90 Degree, Long Radius

This Butt Weld Package contains blocks for 90 degree butt welded elbows.  This set also includes 90 degree butt weld elbows that have been rolled 45 degrees. This drawing package contains 208 blocks!

pdfButt Weld Elbow 90 Degrees Long Radius Drawing Example42.34 KB

pdfButt Weld Elbow 90 Degrees Long Radius Rolled 45 Degrees Drawing Example37.63 KB

PD BW 90 Long Radius90 Degree Long Radius ElbowPD BW 90 Long Radius Rolled 45
90 Degree Long Radius Rolled 45


All the blocks have been created on 'Layer 0' and can be either copied into your working drawing or can be copied into your pallettes. The drawing is saved as a .dwg file and includes:

  • Double Line Elbow profile, top and bottom view, 2" - 24"
  • Single Line Elbow profile, top and bottom view, 2"-12"

Drawing file will work  in the following formats:

  • AutoCAD 2013/ LT2013
  • AutoCAD 2010/ LT2010
  • AutoCAD 2004/ LT2004

Have questions about when to use these valves in your design?  Check out our articles or datasheets:
