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Cap - Buttweld, ANSI, WCS (mm)

  • Dimensions per ANSI/ASME B16.9.

weld cap bw drawingweld cap bw 1

Pipe SizeOutside Diameter at BevelLength, LLimiting Wall Thickness for Length, ELength, L1Approx. Weight
1/2 15 21.3 25 4.57 25 0.22 0.44 0.00
3/4 20 26.7 25 3.81 25 0.44 0.44 0.00
1 25 33.4 38 4.57 38 0.44 0.66 1.10
1 1/4 32 42.2 38 4.83 38 0.66 0.88 1.76
1 1/2 40 48.3 38 5.08 38 0.88 1.10 1.98
2 50 60.3 38 5.59 44 13.23 1.76 3.31
2 1/2 65 73 38 7.11 51 19.84 2.20 5.51
3 80 88.9 51 7.62 64 3.31 3.97 8.82
3 1/2 90 101.6 64 8.13 76 4.41 5.51 13.23
4 100 114.3 64 8.64 76 5.51 6.61 16.53
5 125 141.3 76 9.65 89 9.92 12.13 26.46
6 150 168.3 89 10.92 102 14.33 19.84 39.68
8 200 219.1 102 12.7 127 26.46 35.27 66.14
10 250 273 127 12.7 152 44.09 55.12 -
12 300 323.8 152 12.7 178 66.14 79.37 -
14 350 355.6 165 12.7 191 79.37 99.21 -
16 400 406.4 178 12.7 203 88.18 119.05 -
18 450 457 203 12.7 229 119.05 158.73 -
20 500 508 229 12.7 254 165.35 189.60 -
22 550 559 254 12.7 254 207.23 275.58 -
24 600 610 267 12.7 305 211.64 286.60 -
26 650 660 267 - - - - -
28 700 711 267 - - - - -
30 750 762 267 - - - - -
32 800 813 267 - - - - -
34 850 864 267 - - - - -
36 900 914 267 - - - - -
38 950 965 305 - - - - -
40 1000 1016 305 - - - - -
42 1050 1067 305 - - - - -
44 1100 1118 343 - - - - -
46 1150 1168 343 - - - - -
48 1200 1219 343 - - - - -


1. If the wall thickness of the attaching pipe is below the "Limiting Wall Thickness" length "L"  should be used.  If the wall thickness is above, L1 should be used