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Pipe - SS, ANSI Sch XH 80S (in)

Pipe - SS, ANSI Sch XH 80S (in)

Pipe Size


Outside Diameter


Wall Thickness


Inside Diameter


Internal Area


Internal Area


Metal Area


Moment of Inertia


Section Modulus


External Surface Area


Internal Surface Surface


Weight of Pipe


Weight of Water


1/8 0.405 0.095 0.215 0.036 0.0003 0.093 0.001 0.006 0.106 0.056 0.315 0.016
1/4 0.540 0.119 0.302 0.072 0.0005 0.157 0.004 0.014 0.141 0.079 0.535 0.031
3/8 0.675 0.126 0.423 0.141 0.0010 0.217 0.009 0.026 0.177 0.111 0.739 0.061
1/2 0.840 0.147 0.546 0.234 0.0016 0.320 0.020 0.048 0.220 0.143 1.088 0.101
3/4 1.050 0.154 0.742 0.432 0.0030 0.433 0.045 0.085 0.275 0.194 1.474 0.187
1 1.315 0.179 0.957 0.719 0.0050 0.639 0.106 0.161 0.344 0.251 2.172 0.311
1 1/4 1.660 0.191 1.278 1.283 0.0089 0.881 0.242 0.291 0.435 0.335 2.997 0.555
1 1/2 1.900 0.200 1.500 1.767 0.0123 1.068 0.391 0.412 0.497 0.393 3.632 0.765
2 2.375 0.218 1.939 2.953 0.0205 1.477 0.868 0.731 0.622 0.508 5.023 1.279
2 1/2 2.875 0.276 2.323 4.238 0.0294 2.254 1.925 1.339 0.753 0.608 7.662 1.835
3 3.500 0.300 2.900 6.605 0.0459 3.016 3.895 2.226 0.916 0.759 10.254 2.860
3 1/2 4 0.318 3.364 8.888 0.0617 3.678 6.282 3.141 1.047 0.881 12.507 3.848
4 4.500 0.337 3.826 11.497 0.0798 4.407 9.613 4.272 1.178 1.002 14.985 4.978
4 1/2 5 0.355 4.290 14.455 0.1004 5.180 14.057 5.623 1.309 1.123 17.613 6.259
5 5.563 0.375 4.813 18.194 0.1263 6.112 20.676 7.433 1.456 1.260 20.781 7.878
6 6.625 0.432 5.761 26.067 0.1810 8.405 40.501 12.227 1.734 1.508 28.577 11.287
8 8.625 0.500 7.625 45.664 0.3171 12.763 105.743 24.520 2.258 1.996 43.393 19.772
10 10.75 0.500 9.750 74.662 0.5185 16.101 212.005 39.443 2.814 2.553 54.742 32.329
12 12.75 0.500 11.750 108.434 0.7530 19.242 361.637 56.727 3.338 3.076 65.424 46.952
14 14 0.500 13.000 132.732 0.9218 21.206 483.881 69.126 3.665 3.403 72.100 57.473
16 16 0.500 15.000 176.715 1.2272 24.347 732.130 91.516 4.189 3.927 82.781 76.517
18 18 0.500 17.000 226.980 1.5763 27.489 1053.441 117.049 4.712 4.451 93.462 98.282
20 20 0.500 19.000 283.529 1.9689 30.631 1457.239 145.724 5.236 4.974 104.144 122.768
22 22 0.500 21.000 346.361 2.4053 33.772 1952.953 177.541 5.760 5.498 114.825 149.974
24 24 0.500 23.000 415.476 2.8852 36.914 2550.009 212.501 6.283 6.021 125.507 179.901
26 26 0.500 25.000 490.874 3.4088 40.055 3257.834 250.603 6.807 6.545 136.188 212.548
28 28 0.500 27.000 572.555 3.9761 43.197 4085.857 291.847 7.330 7.069 146.869 247.916
30 30 0.500 29.000 660.520 4.5869 46.338 5043.503 336.234 7.854 7.592 157.551 286.005
32 32 0.500 31.000 754.768 5.2414 49.480 6140.201 383.763 8.378 8.116 168.232 326.814
34 34 0.500 33.000 855.299 5.9396 52.622 7385.377 434.434 8.901 8.639 178.914 370.344
36 36 0.500 35.000 962.113 6.6813 55.763 8788.458 488.248 9.425 9.163 189.595 416.595
38 38 0.500 37.000 1075.210 7.4667 58.905 10358.873 545.204 9.948 9.687 200.277 465.566
40 40 0.500 39.000 1194.591 8.2958 62.046 12106.047 605.302 10.472 10.210 210.958 517.258
42 42 0.500 41.000 1320.254 9.1684 65.188 14039.409 668.543 10.996 10.734 221.639 571.670
44 44 0.500 43.000 1452.201 10.0847 68.330 16168.385 734.927 11.519 11.257 232.321 628.803
46 46 0.500 45.000 1590.431 11.0447 71.471 18502.402 804.452 12.043 11.781 243.002 688.657
48 48 0.500 47.000 1734.945 12.0482 74.613 21050.889 877.120 12.566 12.305 253.684 751.231
54 54 0.500 53.000 2206.183 15.3207 84.038 30077.433 1113.979 14.137 13.875 285.728 955.277
60 60 0.500 59.000 2733.971 18.9859 93.462 41373.575 1379.119 15.708 15.446 317.772 1183.809


Pipe Size


Outside Diameter


Wall Thickness


Inside Diameter


Internal Area


Internal Area


Metal Area


Moment of Inertia


Section Modulus


External Surface Area


Internal Surface Surface


Weight of Pipe


Weight of Water


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