Surveying Methods
ALTA / ACSM Survey - A boundary survey that adheres to a set of minimum standards established by the American Land Title Association and the American Congress on Surveying and Maping.
Astronomical Survey - Gathers astronomical data over some portions of the sky.
Boundary Survey - Determines property lines and defines the true property corners on parcel maps of a land description.
Cartographic Survey - Map making from origional surveys.
Construction Survey - Used to establish the desired position of building corners, roads, sidewalks, and utilities.
Engineering Survey - Surveys performed for the location, design, construction, maintenance and operation of engineering projects.
Geological Survey - An examination of an area to determine the composition, distribution, history, and structure of rocks.
GPS Satellite Survey - Uses a satellite-based navigation system which communicates with receivers on the ground, collects and calculates data.
Hydrographic Survey - Measures and describes the physical features of the navigation position of the earth's surface and adjoining coastal areas.
Land Survey - Establishes or restablishes property corners, boundaries, lines, and monuments of property.
Marine Survey - A person who conducts inspections and examinations of marine vessels, appraisal, assets, cargo, damage, and insurance.
Mining Survey - Helps find underground resources and potential mining locations.
Right-of-way Survey - A right of passage to another person's land and property. A boundary survey depicting the limits of private ownership.
Topographic Survey - Gatheres data regarding the elevation points on a piece of land, also includes natural and man-made elevations.