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Cubic Inches per Minute Removal Rate


Cubic Inches Per Minute Removal Rate Formula

\( IPT =  IPM \; RPM \; Z \)
Symbol English Metric
\( IPT \) = Inches per Tooth \(in\)   
\( IPM \) = Inches per Minute \(in\)  
\( RPM \) = Revolutions per Minute \(rev\;/\;min\)  
\( Z \) = Number of Teeth on Cutter \(dimensionless\)  

Machining cubic inches per minute removal rate, also called material removal rate, is a measure of the volume of material that a machining process can remove from a workpiece in a given amount of time.  Efficient machining aims to achieve a balance between maximizing the material removal rate and maintaining acceptable levels of tool life, surface finish, and other machining parameters.  Optimizing cutting conditions and tool geometry can help enhance the machining removal rate while ensuring the quality of the machined surface and extending tool life.

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