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Volume of Cuttings Generated per Foot of Hole Drilled

Volume of cuttings generated per foot of hole drilled depends on the diameter of the borehole.  This is a straightforward calculation in drilling operations, typically used in oil and gas, mining, or geotechnical engineering.  The cuttings are the material removed from the earth as the drill bit advances, and their volume is essentially the volume of the cylindrical hole created.   Real-world factors assumes a perfect cylinder and 100% removal of material.  In practice, factors like hole enlargement (washout), formation porosity, or drilling fluid effects might adjust the actual volume slightly, but the theoretical calculation is standard for planning purposes.


Volume of Cuttings Generated per Foot of Hole Drilled Formula

  • The constant 1029.4, which is common in drilling equations converting to cubic feet.

\( V_c \;=\;  \dfrac{ D^2 \cdot ( 1 - n ) }{ 1029.4 }\)     (Volume of Cuttings Generated per Foot of Hole Drilled)

\( D \;=\;  \sqrt{  \dfrac{ V_c \cdot  1029.4 }{ 1 - n }  }\)

\( n \;=\;   1 -  \dfrac{ V_c \cdot  1029.4 }{  D^2   }\)

Symbol English Metric
\( V_c \) = Volume of Cuttings Generated per Foot of Hole Drilled \(bbl\;/\; ft\) -
\( D \) = Hole Size \(in\) -
\( n \) = Porosity \(dimensionless\) -


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