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Annular Velocity for a Given Pump Output

The drilling annular velocity is the speed at which the drilling fluid flows through the annular space between the drill string and the borehole wall.  It is a critical parameter for ensuring proper cuttings removal and maintaining wellbore stability.   

Annular Velocity for a Given Pump Output Formula

\( AV \;=\;   \dfrac{ P_o \cdot 1029.4 }{ C_{id}^2 - C_{od}^2  }\)
Symbol English Metric
\( AV \) = Annular Velocity \(bbl\;/\;min\) -
\( P_o \) = Pump Output \(bbl\;/\;min\) -
\( C_{id} \) = Casing ID \(in\) -
\( C_{od} \) = Casing OD \(in\) -


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