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Volumetric Heat Capacity of a Reservoir

Volumetric heat capacity of a reservoir is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a unit volume of the reservoir (including the rock and the fluids it contains, such as petroleum, water, and gas) by one degree.  It’s a used especially in thermal recovery processes like steam injection or in-situ combustion, where heat transfer plays a critical role in mobilizing oil.

Volumetric Heat Capacity of a Reservoir Formula

\( M_r \;=\;   (1 - n) \cdot M_s  + n \cdot M_o \cdot S_o +  n \cdot S_w \cdot M_w + n \cdot S_g  \cdot \left( f \cdot M_g + (  1 - f ) \cdot \left(  \dfrac{ L_v \cdot \rho_s }{ \Delta T }  + \rho_s \cdot C_w  \right)   \right)  \)
Symbol English Metric
\( M_r \) = Volumetric Heat Capacity of a Reservoir \(btu\;/\;ft^3 F\) -
\( n \) = Porosity \(dimensionless\) -
\( M_s \) = Volumetric Heat Capacity of Solutions \(btu\;/\;ft^3 F\) -
\( M_o \) = Volumetric Heat Capacity of Oil \(btu\;/\;ft^3 F\) -
\( S_o \) = Oil Saturation \(dimensionless\) -
\( S_w \) = Water Saturation \(dimensionless\)   -
\( M_w \) = Volumetric Heat Capacity of Water \(btu\;/\;ft^3 F\) -
\( S_g\) = Gas Saturation \(dimensionless\)  -
\( M_g \) = Volumetric Heat Capacity of Gases \(btu\;/\;ft^3 F\) -
\( L_v \) = Latent Heat of Vaporization \(btu\;/\;lbm\) -
\( \rho_s \) = Density of Solids \(g\;/\;cc\) -
\( \Delta T \) = Temperature Differential \(K\) -
\( C_w \) = Isobaric Specific Heat of Water \(btu\;/\;lbm F\) -


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