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Pump Horsepower

Pump horsepower, abbreviated as \(PHP\), is the amount of power or energy required to operate a pump.  It's a measure of the pump's ability to move a certain volume of fluid against a particular resistance or head.

It's important to consider the efficiency of the pump in the calculation because not all the power supplied to the pump is converted into useful work.  Some power is lost as heat due to friction and other factors.  When selecting a pump for a specific application, it's crucial to calculate the required pump horsepower based on the flow rate and head conditions of the system to ensure that the pump can meet the demands efficiently.  Also considering factors such as the type of pump, its design, and the characteristics of the fluid being pumped is essential for accurate horsepower calculations.

Pump Horsepower Formula

\( PHP \;=\;  \dfrac{ Q \cdot H \cdot SG  }{ 3960 \cdot \eta_p }\)     (Pump Horsepower)

\( Q \;=\; \dfrac{  PHP \cdot 3960 \cdot \eta_p }{ H \cdot SG }\)

\( H \;=\;  \dfrac{  PHP \cdot 3960 \cdot \eta_p }{ Q \cdot SG }\)

\( SG \;=\; \dfrac{  PHP \cdot 3960 \cdot \eta_p }{ Q \cdot H }\)

\( \eta_p \;=\; \dfrac{  Q \cdot H \cdot SG }{ PHP \cdot 3960 }\)

Symbol English Metric
\( PHP \) = Pump Horsepower \(lbf-ft\;/\;sec\) -
\( Q \) = Pump Flow Rate \(lbm\;/\;sec\) -
\( H \) = Pump Head \( ft \) -
\( SG \) = Specific Gravity \( dimensionless \) -
\( \eta_p \)  (Greek symbols eta) = Pump Efficiency \(dimensionless \) -


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