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Communication Channel

Communication channels, abbreviated as CC, is the ratio of earned value to planned value.  A CC is the means through which information is transmitted from a sender to a receiver.  It can be any medium or method that allows information to be exchanged between individuals or entities.

Communication channels can be classified into various types

  • Verbal Channels  -  These involve spoken or written language, such as face-to-face conversations, phone calls, letters, emails, and text messages.
  • Nonverbal Channels  -  These include body language, facial expressions, gestures, and other forms of communication that do not involve words.
  • Visual Channels  -  Visual communication relies on images, graphs, charts, videos, and other visual aids to convey information.
  • Digital Channels  -  These encompass communication through digital platforms and technologies, such as social media, websites, blogs, instant messaging, and video conferencing.
  • Traditional Media Channels  -  These refer to communication through traditional mass media outlets like television, radio, newspapers, and magazines.
  • Social Channels  -  Social communication channels involve interactions on social networking sites, forums, and online communities.
  • Formal Channels  -  These are established and recognized channels within organizations for transmitting official messages, such as memos, reports, and meetings.
  • Informal Channels  -  Informal communication channels exist outside of formal structures and may include gossip, rumors, and personal interactions.

The choice of communication channel depends on various factors, including the nature of the message, the audience, the level of formality required, and the technological resources available.  Effective communication often involves selecting the most appropriate channel to ensure the message is accurately conveyed and understood.


Communication Channels Formula

\( CC =  n \; ( n - 1 )  \;/\; 2 \)
\( CC \) = communication channels
\( n \) = number of shareholders on the team, and this should include the project managers as well


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