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Welcome to the new and improved website!

We'd like to welcome you to our new website!  After nine short years we have (finally) updated our website!  When was first conceived, we had wanted to build a Microsoft Excel Add-in with piping dimensions to make drafting and design easier for designers.  As we worked on this add in, we thought there woudl be more added value by creating an AutoCAD add in.  About the same time, we realized that most of the piping designers that we knew, were planning on retirement so we expanded the idea to create a website. 

Our idea was to create a website where designers and engineers alike  could contribute equally to webpages.  With this model in mind, we started to build the site using the same platform that Wikipedia was built on (Mediawiki).  After several years and many, many iterations, we discovered disappointinly, that the Mediawiki platform isn't very well supported. 

During this time we had added a forum and downloads section (using Invision Power platform), a new front page (using Joomla!) and image gallery (using Gallery2).  Each of these programs had been modified heavily to give the same look and feel that housed the bulk of our content.  Eventually, we just got tired of having to shoehorn each program to fit within the Mediawiki box. 

The Joomla! platform meets our needs and is currently very well supported.  We hope that you like our new site.  All the information that was on the previous site is still there.   (All told, we've had to migrate about 10,000 pages of information!) If you have questions, comments or anything, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Coming Soon

We are very, very excited to announce that we are planning on adding an online store to offer various AutoCAD blocks to assist designers in their career!