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Pipe - SS, ANSI Sch STD 40S (in)

Pipe - SS, ANSI Sch STD 40S (in)

Pipe Size


Outside Diameter


Wall Thickness


Inside Diameter


Internal Area


Internal Area


Metal Area


Moment of Inertia


Section Modulus


External Surface Area


Internal Surface Surface


Weight of Pipe


Weight of Water


1/8 0.405 0.068 0.269 0.057 0.0004 0.072 0.001 0.005 0.106 0.070 0.245 0.025
1/4 0.540 0.088 0.364 0.104 0.0007 0.125 0.003 0.012 0.141 0.095 0.425 0.045
3/8 0.675 0.091 0.493 0.191 0.0013 0.167 0.007 0.022 0.177 0.129 0.568 0.083
1/2 0.840 0.109 0.622 0.304 0.0021 0.250 0.017 0.041 0.220 0.163 0.851 0.132
3/4 1.050 0.113 0.824 0.533 0.0037 0.333 0.037 0.071 0.275 0.216 1.131 0.231
1 1.315 0.133 1.049 0.864 0.0060 0.494 0.087 0.133 0.344 0.275 1.679 0.374
1 1/4 1.660 0.140 1.380 1.496 0.0104 0.669 0.195 0.235 0.435 0.361 2.273 0.648
1 1/2 1.900 0.145 1.610 2.036 0.0141 0.799 0.310 0.326 0.497 0.421 2.718 0.882
2 2.375 0.154 2.067 3.356 0.0233 1.075 0.666 0.561 0.622 0.541 3.653 1.453
2 1/2 2.875 0.203 2.469 4.788 0.0332 1.704 1.530 1.064 0.753 0.646 5.794 2.073
3 3.500 0.216 3.068 7.393 0.0513 2.228 3.018 1.725 0.916 0.803 7.577 3.201
3 1/2 4 0.226 3.548 9.887 0.0687 2.680 4.789 2.394 1.047 0.929 9.110 4.281
4 4.500 0.237 4.026 12.730 0.0884 3.174 7.234 3.215 1.178 1.054 10.792 5.512
4 1/2 5 0.247 4.506 15.947 0.1107 3.688 10.446 4.178 1.309 1.180 12.540 6.905
5 5.563 0.258 5.047 20.006 0.1389 4.300 15.166 5.452 1.456 1.321 14.620 8.663
6 6.625 0.280 6.065 28.890 0.2006 5.581 28.149 8.498 1.734 1.588 18.977 12.509
8 8.625 0.322 7.981 50.027 0.3474 8.399 72.508 16.813 2.258 2.089 28.557 21.662
10 10.75 0.365 10.020 78.854 0.5476 11.908 160.776 29.912 2.814 2.623 40.488 34.144
12 12.75 0.375 12.000 113.097 0.7854 14.579 279.407 43.829 3.338 3.142 49.568 48.971
14 14 0.375 13.250 137.886 0.9575 16.052 372.856 53.265 3.665 3.469 54.575 59.705
16 16 0.375 15.250 182.654 1.2684 18.408 562.229 70.279 4.189 3.992 62.586 79.089
18 18 0.375 17.250 233.705 1.6230 20.764 806.839 89.649 4.712 4.516 70.597 101.194
20 20 0.375 19.250 291.039 2.0211 23.120 1113.757 111.376 5.236 5.040 78.609 126.020
22 22 0.375 21.250 354.656 2.4629 25.476 1490.053 135.459 5.760 5.563 86.620 153.566
24 24 0.375 23.250 424.557 2.9483 27.833 1942.798 161.900 6.283 6.087 94.631 183.833
26 26 0.375 25.250 500.740 3.4774 30.189 2479.062 190.697 6.807 6.610 102.642 216.821
28 28 0.375 27.250 583.207 4.0501 32.545 3105.915 221.851 7.330 7.134 110.653 252.529
30 30 0.375 29.250 671.957 4.6664 34.901 3830.429 255.362 7.854 7.658 118.664 290.957
32 32 0.375 31.250 766.990 5.3263 37.257 4659.673 291.230 8.378 8.181 126.675 332.107
34 34 0.375 33.250 868.307 6.0299 39.614 5600.717 329.454 8.901 8.705 134.686 375.977
36 36 0.375 35.250 975.906 6.7771 41.970 6660.633 370.035 9.425 9.228 142.697 422.567
38 38 0.375 37.250 1089.789 7.5680 44.326 7846.490 412.973 9.948 9.752 150.708 471.879
40 40 0.375 39.250 1209.955 8.4025 46.682 9165.359 458.268 10.472 10.276 158.719 523.910
42 42 0.375 41.250 1336.404 9.2806 49.038 10624.310 505.920 10.996 10.799 166.730 578.663
44 44 0.375 43.250 1469.136 10.2023 51.394 12230.414 555.928 11.519 11.323 174.741 636.136
46 46 0.375 45.250 1608.152 11.1677 53.751 13990.741 608.293 12.043 11.846 182.752 696.330
48 48 0.375 47.250 1753.450 12.1767 56.107 15912.362 663.015 12.566 12.370 190.763 759.244
54 54 0.375 53.250 2227.046 15.4656 63.175 22715.688 841.322 14.137 13.941 214.797 964.311
60 60 0.375 59.250 2757.189 19.1471 70.244 31225.191 1040.840 15.708 15.512 238.830 1193.863


Pipe Size


Outside Diameter


Wall Thickness


Inside Diameter


Internal Area


Internal Area


Metal Area


Moment of Inertia


Section Modulus


External Surface Area


Internal Surface Surface


Weight of Pipe


Weight of Water


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