These are just a few of the basic supervisor safety responsibilities:
- Creating an atmosphere in which safety and environmental issues can be proactively discussed and resolved.
- Demonstrating leadership that supports the incident free operations mindset.
- Setting safe examples.
- Enforcing safety rules/standards, and environmental requirements.
- Reporting and investigating near misses, incidents, and injuries, and promptly correcting unsafe conditions.
- Supervisors shall ensure that initial and ongoing orientation, training, and instruction in correct work procedures is given to all employees under their direct supervision.
- Supervisors shall ensure routine inspection and servicing of all safety equipment, including, but not limited to, fire water systems, fire alarms, fire extinguishers, safety showers and eye wash facilities, emergency shutdown systems, supplied air breathing equipment, etc. Records of the inspections shall be maintained.
- Supervisors shall administer an effective business partner safety program.
- Supervisors shall ensure that a visitor log is maintained at all staffed facilities and that visitors receive proper facility orientation, including emergency equipment and procedures at the facility.