Before using a ladder, visually inspect it. Defective ladders shall not be used and shall be removed from service and tagged or disgarded.
When working on a ladder, both feet should be kept on the rungs.
Single and ectending ladders should be equipped with anti-slip safety feet.
Ladders should be set at the correct angle. The base should be out one quarter the distance of the height and never less than 3 feet from the wall or structure.
Ladders shall be on a firm base and against a non moving object.
Allow only one person at a time on a ladder.
Someone should steady the ladder, if needed.
When ascending or desending, always face the ladder and have both hands free for climbing.
When climbing the ladder tools should be carried in a belt or raised or lowered by rope.
Long reaches should be avoided, move the ladder first so as to keep hips between the ladder side rails.
Never climb a ladder or extension ladder higher than the third rung from the top, second rung from the top of step ladders.
When working on or near electrical equipment, never use metal latters.
Never place a ladder in front of a door unless the door is locked, blocked, or guarded.
Wood ladders should never be painted. Paint covers cracks and defects.