Equivalence Symbols
Equivalence Symbols
| ||
Symbol | Definition | Example |
\(=\) | equal to | \(5+4=9\) |
\(\ne\) | not equal to | \(5+5 \ne 9\) |
\(\equiv\) | identical to | \(a \equiv b\) |
\(\not\equiv\) | not identical to | \(a \not\equiv b\) |
\(\overset{\underset{\mathrm{\land}}{}}{=}\) | estimates | |
\(\overset{\underset{\mathrm{\lor}}{}}{=}\) | equiangular to | \(\triangle ABC \overset{\underset{\mathrm{\lor}}{}}{=} \triangle XYZ\) |
\(\overset{\underset{\mathrm{\frown}}{}}{=}\) | corresponds to | |
\(\triangleq\) | equiangular or equal to | \(\triangle ABC \triangleq \triangle XYZ\) |
\(\overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=}\) | equal to by defination | \(a \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} b\) |
\(\overset{\underset{\mathrm{m}}{}}{=}\) | measured by | \(a \overset{\underset{\mathrm{m}}{}}{=} b\) |
\(\overset{\underset{\mathrm{?}}{}}{=}\) | questioned equal to | \(a \overset{\underset{\mathrm{?}}{}}{=} b\) |
\(\sim\) | similar to | \(\triangle ABC \sim \triangle XYZ\) |
\(\nsim\) | not similar to | \(a \nsim b\) |
\(\approx\) | approximately equal to | \(a \approx b\) |
\(\cong\) | congruent or equivalent in size and shape | \(\triangle ABC \cong \triangle XYZ\) |
\(\ncong\) | congruent but not equivalent in size and shape | \(\triangle ABC \ncong \triangle XYZ\) |
\(\doteq\) | approaches the limit | |
\(\doteqdot\) | geometrically equal to | |
\(:=\) | is defined to be | \(a := \{2, 4, 6, 8 \}\;\) means \(\;a\;\) is defined to be set \(\;\{2, 4, 6, 8 \} \) |
\(\fallingdotseq\) | approximately equal to or the image of | |
\(\risingdotseq\) | image of or approximately equal to | |
\(\bumpeq\) | difference between | \(a \bumpeq b\) |
\(\Bumpeq\) | geometrically equivalent to | |
\(\asymp\) | equivalent to | \(a \asymp b\) |
\(\therefore\) | therefore | \( a=b\; \therefore\; b=a \) |
\(\because\) | because | \( a=b\; \because\; b=a \) |
\(:\) | ratio | \(4\) to \(5\) or \(4:5\) or \(4/5\) |
\(::\) | porportion | \(4/5 :: 20/25\) scale factor \(4\) |
\(>\) | greater than | \(5 > 4\) |
\(\gg\) | much greater than | \(500 \gg 4\) |
\(<\) | less than | \(4 < 5\) |
\(\ll\) | much less than | \(4 \ll 500\) |
\(\ge\) | greater than or equal to | \(\measuredangle XYZ \ge \measuredangle ABC\) |
\(\le\) | less than or equal to | \(\measuredangle ABC \le \measuredangle XYZ\) |
\(\geqq\) | greater than over equal to | \(a \geqq b\) |
\(\leqq\) | less than over equal to | \(a \leqq b\) |
\(\gneqq\) | greater than but not equal to | \(5 \gneqq 4\) |
\(\lneqq\) | less than but not equal to | \(4 \lneqq 5\) |
\(\gtrsim\) | greater than or equivalent to | \(b \gtrsim a\) |
\(\lesssim\) | less than or equivalent to | \(a \lesssim b\) |
\(\gnsim\) | greater than but not equivalent to | \(5 \gnsim 4\) |
\(\lnsim\) | less than but not equivalent to | \(4 \lnsim 5\) |
\(\gtrless\) | greater than or less than | \(b \gtrless a\) |
\(\lessgtr\) | less than or greater than | \(a \lessgtr b\) |
\(\succ\) | succeeds or higher rank than | \(b \succ a\) |
\(\prec\) | precedes or lower rank than | \(a \prec b\) |
\(\nsucc\) | does not succeed or not higher rank than | \(a \nsucc b\) |
\(\nprec\) | does not precede or not lower rank than | \(b \nprec a\) |
\(\succcurlyeq\) | succeeds or equal to | \(b \succcurlyeq a\) |
\(\preccurlyeq\) | precedes or equal to | \(a \preccurlyeq b\) |
\(\succsim\) | succeeds or equivalent to | \(b \succsim a\) |
\(\precsim\) | precedes or equivalent to | \(a \precsim b\) |
\(\gtreqless\) | greater than or equal to or less than | \(b \gtreqless a\) |
\(\lesseqgtr\) | less than or equal to or greater than | \(a \lesseqgtr b\) |
\(\Rightarrow\) | implies if then - \(\; a \Rightarrow b\;\) means if \(\;a\;\) is true then \(\;b\;\) is also true, if \(\;a\;\) is false then nothing is said about \(\;b \) | \( a = 3 \Rightarrow a3 = 9\;\) is true, but \(\;a3 = 9 \Rightarrow a = 3\;\) is in general false since \(\;a\;\) could be \(\;−3\) |
\(\rightarrow\) | same as above | same as above |
\(\Leftrightarrow\) | if and only if - \(\;a \Leftrightarrow b\;\) means \(\;a\;\) is true if \(\;b\;\) is true and \(\;a\;\) is false if \(\;b\;\) is false | \(a + 2 = b - 5 \Leftrightarrow a = b - 7\) |
\(\leftrightarrow\) | same as above | same as above |