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Specific Gas Constant

Specific gas constant, abbreviated as R, is a fundamental constant in thermodynamics and gas laws.  It deals with the universal gas constant which is equal to 8.314 joules per Kelvin.  By using the specific gas constant, the ideal gas law can be applied to different gases with different molar masses.


Specific Gas Constant Formula

\( R \;=\;   \dfrac{ R^* }{ MW }\)     (Specific Gas Constant)

\( R^* \;=\; R \cdot MW \) 

\( MW \;=\;   \dfrac{ R^* }{ R }\) 

Symbol English Metric
\( R \) = Specific Gas Constant \(lbf-ft\;/\;lbm-R\)  \(J\;/\;kg-K\) 
\( R^* \) = Universal Gas Constant \(lbf-ft\;/\;lbmol-R\) \(J\;/\;kmol-K\)
\( MW \) = Molecular Weight \(lbm\;/\;lbmol\) \(kg\;/\;kmol\)


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