Total Discharge Head

on . Posted in Fluid Dynamics

Total discharge head. abbreviated as \(h_d\), also called total head or total dynamic head, is used in fluid mechanics and hydraulic engineering to describe the total energy per unit weight of fluid at any point in a hydraulic system.  It represents the sum of different components of head, each contributing to the total energy of the fluid.


Total Discharge Head Formula

\( h_d  =  h_{sd} + h_{pd} + h_{fd}   \)     (Total Discharge Head)

\( h_{sd}  =  h_{d} - h_{pd} - h_{fd}   \)

\( h_{pd}  =  h_{d} - h_{sd} - h_{fd}   \)

\( h_{fd}  =  h_{d} - h_{sd} - h_{pd}   \)

 Symbol English Metric
\( h_d \) = total discharge head \(ft\) \(m\)
\( h_{sd} \) = static discharge head \(ft\) \(m\)
\( h_{pd} \) = surface discharge pressure \(lbf\;/\;in^2\) \(Pa\)
\( h_{fd} \) = friction discharge head \(ft\) \(m\)


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Tags: Hydraulic Head