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Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure

heat expansion 4Heat capacity at constant pressure, abbreviated as \(C_p\), is a measure of the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius (or one Kelvin) while keeping the pressure constant.  The heat capacity at constant pressure is an important thermodynamics property, especially in the study of gases and liquids.  It plays a significant role in understanding how substances respond to changes in temperature and pressure.  The value of depends on the nature of the substance and can vary with temperature.


Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure Formula

\( C_p \;=\;  \dfrac{ Q }{ n \cdot \Delta T  }\)     (Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure)

\( Q \;=\;   n \cdot C_p \cdot \Delta T  \)

\( n \;=\;  \dfrac{ Q }{ C_p \cdot \Delta T  }\)

\( \Delta T \;=\;  \dfrac{ Q }{ n \cdot C_p  }\)

Symbol English Metric
\( C_p \) = Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure  \(Btu\;/\;F\)  \(kJ\;/\;K\)  
\( Q \) = Heat Transfer \(Btu\;/\;hr\) \(W\)
\( n \) = Substance Amount
\(lbm\) \(kg\)
\( \Delta T \) = Temperature Differential \(F\) \(K\)


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