Heat Transfer by Conduction through a Plane Wall

on . Posted in Thermodynamics

Tags: Heat Transfer Heat

Heat Transfer by Conduction through a Plane Wall Index


heat conduction plain wall 2

Heat Transfer by Conduction through a Plane Wall Formula

\(\large{ Q_c =  \frac {- k \; A_c \; \left(  T_2 \;-\; T_1  \right)  }   { l }   }\) 
Symbol English Metric
\(\large{ Q_c }\) = heat transfer by conduction \(\large{\frac{Btu}{hr}}\) \(\large{W}\)
\(\large{ A_c }\) = area cross-section \(\large{in^2}\) \(\large{mm^2}\)
\(\large{ T_1 }\) = temperature of one surface of the wall \(\large{F}\) \(\large{K}\)
\(\large{ T_2 }\) = temperature of the other surface of the wall \(\large{F}\) \(\large{K}\)
\(\large{ k }\) = thermal conductivity \(\large{\frac{Btu-ft}{hr-ft^2-F}}\) \(\large{\frac{W}{m-K}}\)
\(\large{ l }\) = thickness of material \(\large{in}\) \(\large{mm}\)


Heat Transfer by Conduction through a Cylindrical Wall formula

\(\large{ Q_c = \frac { 2 \; \pi \; k \; l \; \left( T_1 \;-\; T_2 \right) }  { ln \; \left( \frac {r_2 }{ r_1 } \right) } }\) 
Symbol English Metric
\(\large{ Q_c }\) = heat transfer by conduction \(\large{\frac{Btu}{hr}}\) \(\large{W}\)
\(\large{ A_c }\) = area cross-section \(\large{in^2}\) \(\large{mm^2}\)
\(\large{ \pi }\) = Pi \(\large{3.141 592 653 ...}\)
\(\large{ r_1 }\) = radius of one surface of the wall \(\large{in}\) \(\large{mm}\)
\(\large{ r_2 }\) = radius of the other surface of the wall \(\large{in}\) \(\large{mm}\)
\(\large{ T_1 }\) = temperature of one surface of the wall \(\large{F}\) \(\large{K}\)
\(\large{ T_2 }\) = temperature of the other surface of the wall \(\large{F}\) \(\large{K}\)
\(\large{ k }\) = thermal conductivity \(\large{\frac{Btu-ft}{hr-ft^2-F}}\) \(\large{\frac{W}{m-K}}\)
\(\large{ l }\) = thickness of material \(\large{in}\) \(\large{mm}\)


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Tags: Heat Transfer Heat