Static Efficiency
Static efficiency, abbreviated as SE, a dimensionless number, is a measure of an air mover's efficiency based on its air horsepower in terms of flow and static pressure vs. required shaft input power. Static efficiency is a term commonly used in the context of fluid dynamics and turbomachinery, particularly for pumps and turbines. It refers to the efficiency of a device when it is operating under steady state or static conditions.
In turbomachinery, such as pumps and turbines, energy is transferred from a fluid to mechanical work or vice versa. The efficiency of these devices is a measure of how effectively they can convert energy without losses. Static efficiency specifically focuses on the efficiency when the device is operating at a specific point or condition without accounting for transient or dynamic effects.
Static efficiency is typically expressed as a percentage and is calculated by comparing the actual power or work output to the ideal or theoretical power or work output. The actual power output refers to the actual work or power delivered by the device under operating conditions, taking into account losses due to factors such as friction, mechanical inefficiencies, and fluid flow losses. The ideal power output represents the theoretical maximum work or power that could be obtained if there were no losses or inefficiencies.
Static Efficiency Formula |
\( SE \;=\; \dfrac{ HP_o }{ HP_i } \cdot 100 \) (Static Efficiency) \( HP_o \;=\; \dfrac{ SE \cdot HP_i }{ 100 }\) \( HP_i \;=\; \dfrac{ HP_o \cdot 100 }{ SE }\) |
Symbol | English | Metric |
\( SE \) = Static Efficiency | \(dimensionless\) | \(dimensionless\) |
\( HP_o \) = Output Static Horsepower | \(ft-lbf \;/\; sec\) | \(Btu \;/\; s\) |
\( HP_i \) = Input Horsepower | \(ft-lbf \;/\; sec\) | \(Btu \;/\; s\) |