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Low Pressure Steam

heat expansion pressure 1Low pressure steam, abbreviated as LPS, is when the pressure is less than or equal to that of the atmosphere.  Low pressure steam is steam that is generated at pressures lower than standard atmospheric pressure.  Typically, low pressure steam refers to steam generated at pressures below 1 atmosphere (101.3 kilopascals or 14.7 pounds per square inch).

Low pressure steam systems typically involve specialized boilers and steam distribution networks designed to handle the lower pressure requirements.  Safety measures, proper maintenance, and appropriate insulation are essential for efficient and safe operation.

It's important to note that even though low-pressure steam is generally considered safer compared to high pressure steam, caution should still be exercised when dealing with steam systems.  Proper training, equipment maintenance, and adherence to safety protocols are essential to mitigate risks and ensure the safe utilization of low pressure steam systems.


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