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Pipe - CU, ASTM Type K (in)

This datasheet is for Copper Tubing, ASTM Type K which is designated with a GREEN background color coded for identification. For more information about copper tubing, visit our copper tubing page.

  • Governing Standard:  ASTM B88
  • Typical Applications:  Domestic Water Service and Distribution, Fire Protection, Solar, Fuel/Fuel Oil, HVAC, Snow Melting, Compressed Air, Natural Gas, Liquified Petroleum (LP) Gas, Vacuum
  • Commercially Available Lengths
    • Straight Length
      • 1/4 inch to 8 inch - 20' (drawn), 20' (annealed)
      • 10 inch - 18' (drawn), 18' (annealed)
      • 12 inch - 12' (drawn), 12' (annealed)
    • Coils
      • 1/4 inch to 1 inch - N/A (drawn), 60' and 100' (annealed)
      • 1 1/4 inch and 1 1/2 inch - N/A (drawn), 60' (annealed)
      • 2 inch - N/A (drawn), 40' and 45' (annealed)


Pipe - CU, ASTM Type K (in)

Pipe Size


Outside Diameter


Inside Diameter


Wall Thickness


Weight of Tube


Weight of Tube and Water




1/4 3/8 0.305 0.035 0.145 0.177 0.00379
3/8 1/2 0.402 0.049 0.269 0.324 0.0066
1/2 5/8 0.527 0.049 0.344 0.438 0.0113
5/8 3/4 0.652 0.049 0.418 0.562 0.0174
3/4 7/8 0.745 0.065 0.641 0.829 0.0227
1 1 1/8 0.995 0.065 0.839 1.18 0.0404
1 1/4 1 3/8 1.245 0.065 1.04 1.57 0.0634
1 1/2 1 5/8 1.481 0.072 1.36 2.1 0.0894
2 2 1/8 1.959 0.083 2.06 3.36 0.156
2 1/2 2 5/8 2.435 0.095 2.93 4.94 0.242
3 3 1/8 2.907 0.109 4 6.87 0.345
3 1/2 3 5/8 3.385 0.120 5.12 9.01 0.468
4 4 1/8 3.857 0.134 6.51 11.6 0.608
5 5 1/8 4.805 0.160 9.67 17.5 0.94
6 6 1/8 5.741 0.192 13.9 25.1 1.35
8 8 1/8 7.583 0.271 25.9 45.4 2.35
10 10 1/8 9.449 0.338 40.3 70.6 3.64
12 12 1/8 11.315 0.405 57.8 101 5.25


Pipe - Cu, ASTM Type K, "Drawn" Tube Internal Working Pressure (in)

  • Type K internal working pressure is based on maximum allowable stress in tension (psi) for the indicated temperatures (°F).
Pipe Size


S = 10.3 ksi

100 F

S = 10.3 ksi

150 F

S = 10.3 ksi

200 F

S = 10.3 ksi

250 F

S = 10.0 ksi

300 F

S = 9.7 ksi

350 F

S = 9.4 ksi

400 F

1/4 1850 1850 1850 1850 1796 1742 1688
3/8 1946 1946 1946 1946 1889 1833 1776
1/2 1534 1534 1534 1534 1490 1445 1400
5/8 1266 1266 1266 1266 1229 1193 1156
3/4 1466 1466 1466 1466 1424 1381 1338
1 1126 1126 1126 1126 1093 1061 1028
1 1/4 914 914 914 914 888 861 834
1 1/2 850 850 850 850 825 801 776
2 747 747 747 747 726 704 682
2 1/2 684 684 684 684 664 644 624
3 662 662 662 662 643 624 604
3 1/2 628 628 628 628 610 592 573
4 618 618 618 618 600 582 564
5 592 592 592 592 575 557 540
6 595 595 595 595 578 560 543
8 634 634 634 634 615 597 578
10 634 634 634 634 615 597 578
12 635 635 635 635 617 598 580


Pipe - Cu, ASTM Type K, "Annealed" Tube Internal Working Pressure (in)

  • Type K internal working pressure is based on maximum allowable stress in tension (psi) for the indicated temperatures (°F).
Pipe Size


S = 6.0 ksi

100 F

S = 5.1 ksi

150 F

S = 4.9 ksi

200 F

S = 4.8 ksi

250 F

S = 4.7 ksi

300 F

S = 4.0 ksi

350 F

S = 3.0 ksi

400 F

1/4 1074 913 877 860 842 716 537
3/8 1130 960 923 904 885 753 565
1/2 891 758 728 713 698 594 446
5/8 736 626 601 589 577 491 368
3/4 852 724 696 682 668 568 426
1 655 557 535 524 513 437 327
1 1/4 532 452 434 425 416 354 266
1 1/2 494 420 404 396 387 330 247
2 435 370 355 348 341 290 217
2 1/2 398 338 325 319 312 265 199
3 385 328 315 308 302 257 193
3 1/2 366 311 299 293 286 244 183
4 360 306 294 288 282 240 180
5 345 293 281 276 270 230 172
6 346 295 283 277 271 231 173
8 369 314 301 295 289 246 184
10 369 314 301 295 289 246 184
12 370 314 302 296 290 247 185


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