Number of Sacks of Cement Required for a Given Length of Plug Formula |
\( n_s \;=\; \dfrac{ L_p \cdot C_c \cdot V }{ Y }\) (Sacks of Cement Required) \( L_p \;=\; \dfrac{ n_s \cdot Y }{ C_c \cdot V }\) \( C_c \;=\; \dfrac{ n_s \cdot Y }{ L_p \cdot V }\) \( V \;=\; \dfrac{ n_s \cdot Y }{ L_p \cdot C_c }\) \( Y \;=\; \dfrac{ L_p \cdot C_c \cdot V }{ n_s }\) |
Symbol | English | Metric |
\( n_s \) = Sacks of Cement Required | \(dimensionless\) | - |
\( L_p \) = Plug Length | \(ft\) | - |
\( C_c \) = Casing Capacity | \(ft^3\;/\;ft\) | - |
\( V \) = Excess Volume | \(ft^3\) | - |
\( Y \) = Slurry Yield | \(ft^3\;/\;stroke\) | - |