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Celsius, abbreviated as C, is a unit of temperature most commonly used through out the world.  It is a scale based on the properties of water, with 0 degrees Celsius representing the freezing point of water, and 100 degrees Celsius representing the boiling point of water at standard atmospheric pressure.  The Celsius scale is part of the metric system and is widely used in most countries around the world, with the notable exception of the United States, where the Fahrenheit scale is more commonly used.

Celsius Scale is Defined by the Following Reference Points

Freezing Point  -  0 degrees Celsius is the temperature at which water freezes under normal atmospheric pressure.
Boiling Point  -  100 degrees Celsius is the temperature at which water boils under normal atmospheric pressure.

The Celsius scale is divided into 100 equal parts between these two reference points.  It is important to note that the Celsius scale is relative to the properties of water and is based on a decimal system, making it convenient for scientific and everyday use.  These formulas allow for conversions between temperatures measured on the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.


Celsius Formulas

\( T_{°C} \;=\;  \dfrac{ T_ {°F} - 32° }{1.8 }\) 

\( T_{°C} \;=\;  273.15° - T_ {°K} \) 

\( T_{°C} \;=\;   \dfrac{ T_{°R} }{ 1.8 } - 273.15° \) 

Symbol English Metric
\( T \) = temperature \( T \) \( T \)
\( C \) = celsius - \( C \)
\( F \) = fahrenheit \( F \) -
\( K \) = kelvin - \( K \)
\( R \) = rankine \( R \) -


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