Fahrenheit, abbreviated as F, is a unit of temperature used in the United States and a few other countries. Celsius is most commonly used through the world.
Fahrenheit Formulas |
\( T_{°F} \;=\; 32° + \dfrac{ 9 }{ 5 } \cdot T_ {°C} \) \( T_{°F} \;=\; 459.67° - \dfrac{ 9 }{ 5 } \cdot T_ {°K} \) \( T_{°F} \;=\; 459.67° - T_ {°R} \) |
Symbol | English | Metric |
\( T \) = temperature | \( T \) | \( T \) |
\( C \) = celsius | - | \( C \) |
\( F \) = fahrenheit | \( F \) | - |
\( K \) = kelvin | - | \( K \) |
\( R \) = rankine | \( R \) | - |
Tags: Temperature