Drilling String Displacement

on . Posted in Drilling Engineering

Drilling string displacement, abbreviated as DSD, is when either pulling out of a hole or trip in a hole for any kind of pipes such as drill pipe, casing or tubing, you should know how much fluid to displace the volume of the drill string.


Drilling String Displacement formula

\( DS_d \;=\;  ( D_{pod}^2 - D_{pid}^2 ) \; l  \;/\; 1029.4 \)
Symbol English Metric
\( DS_d \) = drill string displacement \( bbl \) -
\( D_{pid} \) = casing / drill pipe ID \(in\) -
\( D_{pod} \) = casing / drill pipe OD \(in\) -
\( l \) = length of drill hole \(ft\) -


Drilling String Displacement formula

\( DS_d \;=\;   ( D_{pod}^2 - D_{pid}^2 ) \; l \;/\; 1273.24 \)
Symbol English Metric
\( DS_d \) = drill string displacement - \( l \)
\( D_{pid} \) = casing / drill pipe ID - \(mm\)
\( D_{pod} \) = casing / drill pipe OD - \(mm\)
\( l \) = length of drill hole - \(m\)


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Tags: Displacement Drilling