Number of Sacks of Cement Required for a Given Length of Plug

on . Posted in Drilling Engineering


 Number of Sacks of Cement Required for a Given Length of Plug formula

\( n_s \;=\;  L_p \; C_c \; V  \;/\; Y  \)     (Sacks of Cement Required)

\( L_p \;=\;  n_s \; Y  \;/\; C_c \; V  \)

\( C_c \;=\;  n_s \; Y  \;/\; L_p \; V \)

\( V \;=\;  n_s \; Y  \;/\; L_p \; C_c  \)

\( Y \;=\;  L_p \; C_c \; V  \;/\; n_s  \)

Symbol English Metric
\( n_s \) = sacks of cement required \(dimensionless\) -
\( L_p \) = plug length \(ft\) -
\( C_c \) = casing capacity \(ft^3\;/\;ft\) -
\( V \) = excess volume \(ft^3\) -
\( Y \) = slurry yield \(ft^3\;/\;stroke\) -


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Tags: Drilling Drilling Cement