Pressure Required to Break Circulation

on . Posted in Drilling Engineering


Pressure Required to Break Circulation - Annular formula

\( P_{gs} \;=\;  [\; y  \;/\; 300 \; ( D_h - D_d ) \;] \; L  \)
Symbol English Metric
\( P_{gs} \) = pressure to overcome mud's gel strength inside annulus (psi) \(lbf\;/\;ft^2\) -
\( y \) = gel strength of drilling fluid \(lbf\;/\;100\;ft^2\) -
\( L \) = length of drill string \(ft\) -
\( D_h \) = diameter of hole \(in\) -
\( D_p \) = diameter of drill pipe \(in\) -


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Tags: Drilling Mud