Volumes and Strokes

on . Posted in Drilling Engineering


 Volumes and Strokes - Annular Volume formula

\( DS_v \;=\;  (DS_{id}^2 \;/\; 1029.4 ) \; PL \)
Symbol English Metric
\( AC \) = annular volume \(bbl\) -
\( D_h \) = drill hole diameter \(in\) -
\( D_{pod} \) = drill pipe OD \(ft\) -


 Volumes and Strokes - Drill String Volume formula

\( DS_v \;=\;  (DS_{id}^2 \;/\; 1029.4 ) \; PL \)
Symbol English Metric
\( DS_v \) = drill string volume \(bbl\) -
\( DS_{id} \) = drill string ID \(in\) -
\( PL \) = pipe length \(ft\) -


 Volumes and Strokes - Total Strokes formula

\( S \;=\;  DS_v + AC  \;/\; P_o  \)
Symbol English Metric
\( S \) = total strokes \(dimensionless\) -
\( DS_v \) = drill string volume \(bbl\) -
\( AC \) = annular volume \(bbl\) -
\( P_o \) = pump output \(bbl\;/\;stroke\) -


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Tags: Drilling Annular Drilling Pump Drill Pipe