Volume of Fluid Displaced for Pumps

on . Posted in Drilling Engineering


Volume of Fluid Displaced for a Duplex Pump Formula

\( V_{fd} \;=\;   n_c \; SL \; [\; ( 2 \; p_d^2 ) - r_d^2 \;] \; \eta_v \;/\; 42 \;\; 294 \)
Symbol English Metric
\( V_{fd} \) = Volume of Fluid Displaced \(bbl\;/\;stroke\) -
\( n_c \) = Number of Cylinders \(dimensionless\) -
\( SL \) = Stroke Length \(in\) -
\( p_d \) = Piston Diameter \(in\) -
\( r_d \) = Rod Diameter \(in\) -
\( \eta_v \)  (Greek symbol eta) = Volumetric Efficiency \(dimensionless\) -


Volume of Fluid Displaced for a Single-acting Pump Formula

\( V_{fd} \;=\;  \pi \; p_d^2  \; SL \; n_c \;/\; 4 \)
Symbol English Metric
\( V_{fd} \) = Volume of Fluid Displaced \(bbl\) -
\( \pi \) = Pi \(3.141 592 653 ...\) -
\( p_d \) = Piston Diameter \(in\) -
\( SL \) = Stroke Length \(in\) -
\( n_c \) = Number of Cylinders \(dimensionless\) -


Volume of Fluid Displaced for a Triplex Pump Formula

\( V_{fd} \;=\;  SL \; p_d^2 \; \eta_v  \;/\; 42 \;\; 98.03 \)
Symbol English Metric
\( V_{fd} \) = Volume of Fluid Displaced \(bbl\;/\;stroke\) -
\( SL \) = Stroke Length \(in\) -
\( p_d \) = Piston Diameter \(in\) -
\( \eta_v \)  (Greek symbol eta) = Volumetric Efficiency \(dimensionless\) -


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Tags: Volume Drilling Drilling Mud Drilling Pump