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Water Cement Ratio

Water cement ratio, abbreviated as \(\frac{w}{c}\), also called water to cement ratio, affects the strength, workability, durability, and other properties of the resulting concrete mixture.  The ratio is used in both tensile and compressive strength analyses of Portland concrete cement.  This is a critical factor in concrete mix design and construction.  It refers to the ratio of the weight of water used to the weight of cement in a concrete mix.

How Water Cement Ratio Affects Concrete

Strength  -  The water cement ratio has a direct impact on the compressive strength of concrete.  Generally, lower \(\frac{w}{c}\) ratios result in higher compressive strengths because less water leads to better bonding between cement particles.  However, excessively low \(\frac{w}{c}\) ratios can make the mix less workable.
Workability  -  The \(\frac{w}{c}\) ratio influences the workability of the concrete mix.  Higher ratios make the mix more fluid and easier to work with, but excessive water can lead to segregation and reduced strength.  Proper balance between workability and strength is crucial.
Durability  -  A lower \(\frac{w}{c}\) ratio is often associated with better durability because it results in a denser and less porous concrete matrix.  This can help resist the penetration of moisture and aggressive chemicals, which can lead to deterioration over time.
Shrinkage and Cracking  -  Excessive water in the mix can lead to higher shrinkage and increased cracking potential as the excess water evaporates during curing.
Cost  -  The amount of water used in the mix also affects the cost of the concrete.  Using more water than necessary can be wasteful and lead to higher material costs.


Water Cement Ratio Formula

\( \dfrac{w }{ c} \;=\;  \dfrac{ w_m }{ w_c }\)     (Water Cement Ratio)

\( w \;=\;  \dfrac{ c \cdot w_m }{ w_c }\)

\( c \;=\;  \dfrac{ w \cdot w_c }{ w_m }\)

\( w_m \;=\; \dfrac{  w \cdot w_c }{ c} \)

\( w_c \;=\;  \dfrac{ c \cdot w_m }{ w }\)

Symbol English Metric
\( \frac{w}{c} \) = water cement ratio \(dimensionless\) \(dimensionless\)
\( w_m \)  = weight of mixing water \(lbf\) \(N\)
\( w_c \)  = weight of cementitious material \(lbf\) \(N\)


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