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Tensile Strength of Concrete

Tensile strength of concrete, abbreviated as \(f_t\), is valid for normal weight, normal density concrete.  It is a measure of its ability to resist tension, or pulling forces, without breaking or failing.  Unlike materials like steel, which have high tensile strength, concrete is relatively weak in tension.  This is because concrete is strong in compression but has limited tensile strength.

The tensile strength of concrete is typically much lower than its compressive strength.  While the compressive strength of concrete can vary widely depending on the mix design and curing conditions, the tensile strength is generally only a fraction of the compressive strength.  In most cases, the tensile strength of concrete is approximately 10% to 15% of its compressive strength.

Concrete is often reinforced with materials like steel bars (rebar) to improve its tensile strength.  Reinforced concrete combines the high compressive strength of concrete with the tensile strength of steel to create a material that can withstand both compressive and tensile forces effectively.  This combination is commonly used in the construction of buildings, bridges, and other structures.


Tensile Strencth of Concrete Formula

\( f_t \;=\;  7.5 \cdot \sqrt{ f_{c}{'}  }   \)     (English units)

\( f_t \;=\;  0.7 \cdot \sqrt{ f_{c}{'}  }   \)     (Metric units)

Symbol English Metric
\( f_t \) = tensile strength of concrete  \(lbf \;/\; in^2\)   \(MPa\) 
\( f_{c}{'} \)  = concrete specified cylinder 28-day compression strength  \(lbf \;/\; in^2\)  \(MPa\)


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