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Spring Solid Coil Height

spring dimensions 1Spring solid coil height, abbreviated as \(h_s\), also called solid height, is the total compressed height of the spring when all the coils are pressed together such that there is no space between them.  At this point, the spring can no longer be compressed further.  This is an important parameter in spring design because it defines the minimum height of the spring under maximum load.


Spring Solid Coil Height formulas

\( h_s \;=\; d \cdot \left( n_t + 1 \right)  \) 

\( h_s \;=\; d \cdot n_t  \)     (for ground ends)

Symbol English Metric
\( h_s \) = solid coil height  \( in \) \( mm \) 
\( d \) = wire diameter \( in \)   \( mm \)
\( n_t \) = total number of coils \(dimensionless \) \(dimensionless \)


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