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Total Case Incident Rate

Total case incident rate/total recordable incident rate, abbreviated as TCIR or TCIR/TRIR, is used to measure the frequency of workplace injuries and illnesses within a specific period, typically expressed as the number of cases per a certain number of hours worked by employees.

TCIR provides an overall picture of the frequency of workplace incidents, including both injuries and illnesses.  It helps organizations monitor trends in workplace safety performance over time, compare their performance with industry benchmarks, and identify areas for improvement in their safety programs.

A lower TCIR indicates a safer workplace environment, while a higher TCIR suggests that there may be issues with workplace safety that need to be addressed.  By analyzing TCIR data, organizations can implement targeted interventions and safety measures to reduce the risk of workplace injuries and illnesses.


Total Case Incident Rate formula

The constant is usually 200,000 work hours, representing the equivalent of 100 full time employees working 40 hours per week for 50 weeks in a year.  However, this constant may vary depending on the organization or jurisdiction.

\( TCIR =  (TNRI \;/\; TNHW) \; 200,000 \) 
\( TCIR \) = total case incident rate
\( TNRI \) = total number of recordable incidents
\( TNHW \) = total number of hours worked by all employees


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