Safety Engineering Standards
ISO Standards
- ISO 1709 - Nuclear energy -- Fissile materials -- Principles of criticality safety in storing, handling and processing
- ISO 1819 - Continuous mechanical handling equipment -- Safety code -- General rules
- ISO 3165 - Sampling of chemical products for industrial use -- Safety in sampling
- ISO 3265 - Continuous mechanical handling equipment for loose bulk materials -- Wagon tipplers handling rail-borne wagons (rotary, side discharge and end discharge) -- Safety code
- ISO 3691 - Powered industrial trucks -- Safety code
- ISO 5031 - Continuous mechanical handling equipment for loose bulk materials -- Couplings and hose components used in pneumatic handling -- Safety code
- ISO 4126-1 - Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -- Part 1: Safety valves
- ISO 4126-2 - Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -- Part 2: Bursting disc safety devices
- ISO 4126-3 - Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -- Part 3: Safety valves and bursting disc safety devices in combination
- ISO 4126-4 - Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure -- Part 4: Pilot operated safety valves
- ISO 5175 - Equipment used in gas welding, cutting and allied processes -- Safety devices for fuel gases and oxygen or compressed air -- General specifications, requirements and tests
- ISO 5388 - Stationary air compressors -- Safety rules and code of practice
- ISO 10417 - Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Subsurface safety valve systems -- Design, installation, operation and redress
- ISO 16069 - Graphical symbols -- Safety signs -- Safety way guidance systems (SWGS)
- ISO 16708 - Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Pipeline transportation systems -- Reliability-based limit state methods
- ISO 17398 - Safety colours and safety signs -- Classification, performance and durability of safety signs
- ISO 17846 - Welding and allied processes -- Health and safety -- Wordless precautionary labels for equipment and consumables used in arc welding and cutting
- ISO 21789 - Gas turbine applications -- Safety