Gas Expansion Factor

on . Posted in Drilling Engineering

Gas expansion factor, abbreviated as \( E_g \), is the change in volume or pressure of a gas as it expands.  It is particularly relevant when dealing with compressible fluids, where changes in pressure and temperature significantly affect the volume of the gas.

Gas Expansion Factor Applications

  • Pipeline Flow  -  Determining the flow rate and pressure drop of gases in pipelines.
  • Turbomachinery  -  Analyzing the performance of compressors and turbines.
  • Safety Valves  -  Designing and sizing relief valves to handle expanding gases.
  • Chemical Processes  -  Understanding the behavior of gases in reactors and separators.


 Gas Expansion Factor formula

\( E_g \;=\;  E_{gi} - [ \; 1 \;/\; 43560 \; A \; h \; n \;  ( 1 - S_{wi} ) \;]  \; G_p \)
Symbol English Metric
\( E_g \) = gas expansion factor \(cu^3 \;/\; bbl\) -
\( E_{gi} \) = initial gas expansion factor  (SCF/bbl) \(cu^3 \;/\; bbl\) -
\( A \) = drainage area \(ft^2\) -
\( h \) = thickness \(ft\) -
\( n \) = porosity \(dimensionless\) -
\( S_{wi} \) = initial water saturation \(dimensionless\)  -
\( G_p \) = gas produced (SCF) \(cu^3\) -


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Tags: Gas Compression and Expansion Drilling