
on . Posted in Drilling Engineering

Viscosibility is the relationship between the viscosity of petroleum products and their visibility or the ability to monitor their flow and behavior in various processes.  Viscosity measure of a petroleum fluid's resistance to flow.  It is a critical property in the petroleum industry because it affects the extraction, transportation, and processing of oil.  High-viscosity oils are thicker and flow less easily, which can complicate extraction and transport.


Viscosibility formula

\( cv \;=\;  ( 1 \;/\; \mu ) \; ( d\mu \;/\; dp  )  \)
Symbol English Metric
\( cv \) = viscosibility \(1 \;/\; psi\) -
\( \mu \) = viscosity of displaced fluid \(cP\) -
\( d\mu \) = change of viscosity \(cP\)  -
\( dp \) = change of pressure (psi) \(lbf \;/\; in^2\) -


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