Boltzmann Constant

on . Posted in Thermodynamics

Boltzmann constant, abbreviated as \(k\) or \(k_b\), is a porportionality factor which compares the average relative kinetic energy of particales in a gas with the temperature of the gas.  The Boltzmann constant is a factor in the field of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.  It appears in the Boltzmann distribution, which describes the statistical behavior of particles in a gas.


Boltzmann constant Formula

\( k_b =  p \; V \;/\;  T_a \; n \)     (Boltzmann Constant)

\( p =  k_b \; T_a \; n \;/\; V \)

\( V =  k_b \; T_a \; n \;/\; p \)

\( T_a =  p \; V \;/\;  k_b \; n \)

\( n =  p \; V \;/\; k_b \; T_a \)

Symbol English Metric
\( k_b \) = Boltzmann constant (See Physics Constant)  \(lbm-ft^2 \;/\; sec^2\)  \(kJ \;/\; molecule-K\)
\( p \) = pressure \(lbf \;/\; in^2\) \( Pa \)
\( V \) = volume \(in^3\) \( mm^3 \)
\( T_a \) = absolute temperature \( F\) \( K \)
\( n \) = number of molecules of gas \( dimensionless \)


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Tags: Temperature Constant