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Slope of Saturated Vapor Pressure Curve

Slope of the saturated vapor pressure curve, abbreviated as m, describes how the vapor pressure of a substance changes with temperature when the substance is in equilibrium between its liquid and vapor phases.  This slope is crucial in thermodynamics, particularly in the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, which relates the change in vapor pressure to temperature.  The slope indicates how sensitive the vapor pressure is to changes in temperature. 


  • The slope is generally steeper at higher temperatures, indicating that vapor pressure increases rapidly with temperature near the boiling point.
  • The slope helps explain phenomena like boiling, condensation, and atmospheric processes, as it governs the relationship between temperature and vapor pressure.


Slope of Saturated Vapor Pressure Curve Formula

 \( m  \;=\; \dfrac{ 4098 \cdot \left( 0.6108 \cdot exp \cdot \dfrac{ 17.27 \cdot T_{mean} }{ T_{mean} + 273.3 } \right)  }{ ( T_{mean} + 273.3 )^2 }\)
Symbol English Metric
\( m \) = Slope of Saturated Vapor Pressure Curve - \(kPa\;/\;C\)
\( exp \) = 2.7183 (Base of Natural Logarithm) - \(dimensionless\)
\( T_{mean} \) = Mean Daily Air Temperature at 2 Meters Height -  \(C\)


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