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Resistor Heat

Resistor heat is the thermal energy generated by a resistor as it dissipates electrical energy when current flows through it.  This occurs because resistors oppose the flow of electric current, converting some of the electrical energy into heat due to the resistance in the material.


Resistor Heat Formula

\( I \;=\; \sqrt{ \dfrac{ RH }{ R \cdot t } }\)

\( R \;=\; \dfrac{ RH }{ I^2 \cdot t  }\)

\( t \;=\;  \dfrac{ RH  }{ I^2 \cdot R  }\)

Symbol English Metric
\( RH \) = Resistor Heat \(watt-hr\) -
\( I \) = Current \(I\) -
\( R \) = Resietor Resistance \(\Omega\) -
\( t \) = Time \(hr\) -


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