Petroleum Abbreviations

on . Posted in Petroleum Engineering


  • Abandonment (ABAN)
  • Annulus Bore Test (ABT)
  • Air Cooled Heat Condenser (HCHC)
  • Air Cooled Heat Exchanger (ACHE)
  • American Gas Association (AGA)
  • Acid Gas Removal Unit (AGRU)
  • Air Handling Unit (AHU)
  • Acoustic Log Report (ALR)
  • Annual Pressure While Drilling (APWD)
  • Array Acoustic Log (ARACL)
  • Array Accustic Report (ARRC)
  • Accustic Sand Detector (ASD)


  • Back on Bottom (BOB)
  • Back Pressure Valve (BPV)
  • Barrel (bbl)
  • Barrels Condensate per Day (BCPD)
  • Barrels Oil per Day (BOPD)
  • Barrels Oil per Hour (BOPH)
  • Barrels of Water (BW)
  • Below Derrick Floor (BDF)
  • Below Ground Level (BGL)
  • Below Mean Sea Level (BMSL)
  • Below Original Drill Floor (BODF)
  • Bit Data Log (BDL)
  • Blow Well to Atmosphere (BWTA)
  • Blowdown Valve (BDV)
  • Blowout Preventer (BOP)
  • Blowout Preventer String (BOPS)
  • Borehole Geometry Log (BGL)
  • Borehole Geometry Tool (BGT)
  • Borehole Log (BHL)
  • Borehole Pressure Report (BHPRP)
  • Bottom Assembly (BA)
  • Bottom Hole Locator Log (BHLL)
  • Bottom of Logging Interval (BLI)
  • Bottom of Pipe (BOP)
  • Bottom of Screen (BOS)
  • Bottom Sediment Water (BSW)
  • Bottoms Up (BU)
  • Bottomhole Assembly (BHA)
  • Bottomhole Circulating Temperature (BHCT)
  • Bottomhole Kickoff Assembly (BHKA)
  • Bottomhole Pressure (BHP)
  • Bottomhole Temperature (BHT)
  • Bridge Plug (BP)
  • Buy Back Gas (BBG)


  • Carbon Dioxide (\(CO_2\))
  • Casing Head Hanger (CHH)
  • Cast Iron Bridge Plug (CIBP)
  • Casing (CSG)
  • Casing Flange (CF)
  • Casing Pressure (CP)
  • Casing Running Tool (CRT)
  • Casing Shear Ram (CSR)
  • Cathodic Protection (CP)
  • Cement Bond Hole (CBH)
  • Central Control Consol (CCC)
  • Choke & Kill (C&K)
  • Choke & Kill Line Friction Pressure (CLFP)
  • Clamp Replacement Tool (CRT)
  • Closed In Casing Head Pressure (CICHP)
  • Closed In Drill Pipe Pressure (CIDPP)
  • Constant Bottomhole Pressure (CBP)
  • Corrosion Inhibiter (CI)
  • Current Oil Water Contact (COWC)


  • Dead Man Anchor (DMA)
  • Deep Water (DW)
  • Disolved Oxygen (DO)
  • Double Block & Bleed (DB&B)
  • Downhole Logging (DHL)
  • Downhole Report (DHR)
  • Drill Pipe (DP)
  • Driller's Control Pannel (DCP)
  • Dry well on Paper (DWOP)
  • Dual Gradient Drilling (DGD)


  • Emergency Disconnect Sequence (EDS)
  • Emergency Responce Team (ERT)
  • Emergency Shut Down (ESD)
  • Emergency Task Force (ETS)
  • End of Assembly (EOA)
  • End of Field Life (EFL)
  • End of Well Report (EWR)
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
  • Equivalent Mud Weights (EMW)
  • Expected Surface Pressure (ESP)
  • Expandable Sand Screen (ESS)
  • Extended Reach Drilling (ERD)
  • Extended Well Test (EWT)
  • External Casing Packing (ECP)


  • Factory Acceptance Test (FAT)
  • Field Development Options (FDO)
  • Field Development Plan (FDP)
  • Field Equipment Room (FER)
  • Final Inspection (FI)
  • First Oil Date (FOD)
  • Flowing Casing Pressure (FCP)
  • Flowing Tubing Pressure (FTP)
  • Fluid to Surface (FTS)
  • Fluid Transfer Line (FTL)
  • Formation Integrity Test (FIT)
  • Free Water Knock Out (FWKO)
  • Free Water Level (FWL)
  • Full Opening Safety Valve (FOSV)


  • Gamma Ray Log (GRL)
  • Gas Condensate (GC)
  • Gas Injector (GI)
  • Gas Liquid Ratio (GLR)
  • Gas Oil Contact (GOC)
  • Gas Oil Ratio (GOR)
  • Gel Strength (GS)
  • Going In Hole (GIH)
  • Ground Elevation (GRE)


  • High Temperature High Pressure (HPHT)
  • Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
  • Hydraulic Horsepower (HHP)
  • Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU)
  • Hydrocarbon (HC)
  • Hydrogen Sulfide (\(H_2S\))
  • Hydrostatic Pressure (HP)


  • Intermediate Pressure (IP)
  • Initial Circulating Pressure (ICP)
  • Inside Blowout Preventer (IBOP)
  • In Line Inspection (ILI)



  • Kick Off Plug (KOP)
  • Kick Off Point (KOP)
  • Kill Rate Pressure (KRP)
  • Kick Tolerance (KT)


  • Lease Automatic Custody Transfer Unit (LACT Unit)
  • Leak-off Pressure (LOP)
  • Leak-off Test (LOT)
  • Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
  • Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)
  • Logging While Drilling (LWD)
  • Loss of Well Control (LWC)
  • Lost Circulation Material (LCM)
  • Low Volumetric Expansion (LVE)


  • Major Accident Event (MAE)
  • Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD)
  • Maximum Allowable Annulus Surface Pressure (MAASP)
  • Maximum Anticipated Surface Pressure (MASP)
  • Maximum Anticipated Water Pressure (MAWP)
  • Measured Depth (MD)
  • Minimum Operating Pressure (MOP)
  • Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU)
  • Move in and Rig up (MIRU)
  • Mud Gas Separator (MGS)
  • Mud Log (MUD)
  • Mud Weight (MW)


  • Natural Gas (NG)
  • Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)
  • Natural Gas Pipeline (NGPL)
  • Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
  • Nitrogen Dioxide (\(NO_2\))
  • Nitrogen Oxide (NOX)



  • Plugged & Abandoned (P&A)




  • Salt Water (SW)
  • Salt Water Deposit Well (SWD)
  • Shut-in (SI)
  • Shut-in Casing Pressure (SICP)
  • Shut-in Drill Pipe Pressure (SIDPP)
  • Shut-in Tubing Pressure (SITP)
  • Slow Pump Pressure (SPP)


  • Tanks (TKS)
  • Tank Battery (TB)
  • Tight Hole (TH)
  • Top of Cement (TOC)
  • Top of Fluid (TOF)
  • Total Depth (TD)
  • True Vertical Depth (TVD)
  • True Vertical Height (TVH)


  • Underbalanced (UB)
  • Underwater Safety Valve (USV)



  • Waiting on Cement (WOC)
  • Waiting on Completion Rig (WOCR)
  • Water Formation Volume Factor (Bw)
  • Wellhead (WH)
  • Well Integrity (WI)
  • Wellbore (WLBR)
  • Wireline (WL)




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